Owner, editor-in-chief: Mohamed Osman Ali
Founded in 1997, was the second Sudanese online discussion forum after, after which other Sudanese forums appeared. Due to work circumstances and travels of the owner, it was inactive for long periods. However, we have maintained the domain name for nearly thirty years and now we are dusting it off. In these circumstances that Sudan and the whole region is going through, we hope that this site and its forums, will contribute all it can to illuminate the path and spread awareness so that Sudanese and others in the region, may find a way out of these dark times.We are pleased to welcome contributions from everyone in intellectual and journalistic fields and in all areas and activities. We do not censor contributions based on anything except universal guidelines of publishing news and articles.
You may contact us via
Correspondents wanted in the following countries:Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Palestine, Egypt and all countries in the Midle East and Africa. is a U.S. company registered in the state of New Jersey in the United States is an ad-free website, it depends on owners limited
resources and the donation from visitors who found it usful and
provides enlightenment and awareness.
For donation use the following accounts:
Western Union: RS48588@gmail.comZelle: +1201-920-9450 (USA only)
Please note! donations are NOT tax deductable.